What Are Some Taino Indian Baby Names?
Some good Taino names for babies based on known Taino people include Abey, Aramana, Cacimar, Loquillo and Mayneri. Names can also be based on the Taino language, such as Ana, meaning “flower,” or Liani, meaning “wife.” Tiburon, meaning “shark,” is a masculine example of a name from the Taino language.
Some Taino baby names may draw inspiration from known Taino peoples, such as caciques, or tribal chiefs. These names include Ameyro, Aymaco and Comerio, who were all male caciques. Anacaona, Casiguaya and Tinima are all examples of female Taino leaders.
Names can be borrowed from the Taino language. Some beautiful names based on flora include Anani, Guama, Liren and Yabisi. Names based on fauna include Colibri, Tonina, Cajaya and Kaiman. Names based on insects include Kakata, a species of poisonous spider, and Nimita, a species of small firefly.
Guey and Karaya, mean “sun” and “moon,” respectively. Additional miscellaneous names based on the Taino language include Areito, meaning “song and dance,” and Yari, meaning “necklace” or “jewelry.”
Names may also be derived from Taino deities. The Taino people worshipped many gods, including Yacahu, the supreme creator, and Jurakan, the angry god who controlled hurricanes. The Taino also offered sacrifices to the Zemi, gods who protected them from disease and disaster, and the Maboyas, nocturnal gods whom the Taino believed destroyed their crops.