Social Sciences 101: What Is Social Diversity?

Social diversity is the different ways that make people who they are. Key characteristics that make up social diversity can include ethnicity, race, religion, language and gender.
World and Local Views A college or job application usually asks for this general information about the applicant. As these differences come together great strides are being made. Life would certainly be boring if everyone was exactly alike. In today’s society, social diversity ideas are expanding and growing much more than decades ago. Advancement in technology plays a role in this as it has eased the way and the speed in which people interact and communicate on a broader, universal level.
On a smaller scale, think of the integration of schools and the educational advancements made in the process. Social economic levels merge together so that all children receive fairness in education. It’s the same with men and women both being allowed to vote in an election now, which wasn’t always the case. There was a time when women didn’t hold leadership roles in churches or have executive-level jobs in the workplace.
Overall Improvements The standard of living seems to be improving worldwide. In many ways cultures that show need can be assisted by others who are able. Awareness through communication allows this to be happening in real time. News is shared and immediately spreads going viral. Think of a country that might be devastated due to a national disaster. The media broadcasts the specific needs with other countries and cultures stepping up to offer assistance and necessary supplies. International relief agencies get the word out and help wherever they’re needed.
Healthy Lifestyles As a Result Research has indicated that a positive correlation exists between healthier lifestyles and the open-minded outlook of people who accept diversity as a positive component within cultures. The more people are exposed to cultural diversity, the more likely those key components are to be absorbed into it. Picture the diversity, the talent and athleticism seen from all countries represented at the Olympics. Olympic sports all have athletes that are competitive and skilled no matter what their culture might be. The color of their uniform and the language the athletes speak might be different but it’s a culmination of the best of the best in sports.
How Social Diversity Raises Intelligence Levels Bringing people from various socially diverse backgrounds together allows them to interact with others from a new perspective. New information is gathered and different viewpoints are explored. This can develop strong problem-solving skills with the ability to see a broader perspective. These diverse groups are more likely to step out of the box and try new ideas.
By sharing ideas in scientific experiments, inventions or pharmaceutical progress, that people from all walks of life can benefit from. For instance, a new drug discovered to fight cancer in Germany can benefit a much larger audience with worldwide communication and social understanding. The intelligence and the ultimate outcome help many populations. When that knowledge is shared, the intelligence level is raised for all of those involved.