What Is the Contact Number for the FedEx in Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines?
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The FedEx Philippines in Lapu-lapu City can be contacted by phone at 032-340-9999. This facility is located on Airport Road.
This is the only FedEx location in Cebu and is located in the Visayas region. Its business hours are Monday through Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding major holidays such as Good Friday, Christmas and New Year’s Day.
Other courier services operating in Lapu-lapu City include the Aboitiz Express Incorporated at the Mactan International Airport Authority. It can be contacted by phone at the number 021-340-0441. The DHL Philippines Corporation is located at the DHL Building Pusok, and its number is 032-341-1616 and 032-341-1617.