Can You Take the Birkman Personality Test for Free?

It is possible to take the Birkman personality test for free online. Users can fill the personality questionnaire out for free at, but they must pay for access to personalized reports. Alternatively, the Princeton Review offers a free shortened version of the Birkman quiz.

The Birkman personality quiz is a psychological workplace assessment. Roger Birkman, an American organizational psychologist, developed the test in the 1940s. The aim of the personality test is to reveal the right career path for individuals, help people to understand themselves better and give indicators on how to improve relationships, manage stress and determine inspiration.

Several sections focus on needs including communication needs, such as direct, intuitive or a combination, structural needs, activity and authority. Test takers can use test results and reports to facilitate career planning, team building and leadership development, both in the workplace and in their personal lives.