Why Is Accurate Information Important?

Accurate information is crucial to nearly every professional and academic discipline because facts are the only way humans can ascertain truth. From medical science to philosophy, accurate information is essential to continue to build the human knowledge base.

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines facts, or accurate information, as objects that define truth. As Plato and most philosophers have agreed upon, truth is a universal goal worth pursuing, and a standard by which all attempts to gain knowledge should be driven. Without accurate information, reasoning and logic will never yield valid conclusions and there would be no basis for determining truth.

Science Made Simple explains that facts are a crucial element within the Scientific Method. Nearly all major human achievements have been obtained by following the Scientific Method. First, a hypothesis must be laid out and then tested by holding what is already known to be true against what is believed to be true. Testing and observation are the two major actions that scientists take in order to determine whether a believed truth is actually a fact or not. Without accurate information to test new variables in life, it would be impossible to learn new facts and continue the cycle of adding to the human knowledge base.