What Is Florida’s “Medically Needy Share of Cost” Program?

Florida’s Medically Needy Share of Cost program, also known as the Medically Needy Program, is a program for low-income families and individuals who earn too much to be covered by other Medicare programs. In addition to providing medical coverage, the Medically Needy Share of Cost Program assists people who have no health insurance by paying qualified medical bills.

Eligibility for the Medically Needy Share of Cost program is determined by family size and income. To qualify for the program, individuals must incur a certain amount of medical bills in a given month. This amount is also determined by income. After that amount is exceeded, the individual is covered by Medicare for the duration of the month. On the last day of the month, coverage is discontinued. However, coverage begins again once the monthly medical bill total is met during the following month.

It is important to note that individuals do not have to pay the medical bills they incur during a given month. Rather, they must provide documentation showing they owe a certain amount for medical bills. In addition to receiving Medicare coverage, the medical bills incurred during that month are also paid by Medicare.

There are a couple of limitations to this program. First, only certain procedures and medications are covered. In addition, medical care must be received from a provider who accepts Medicare.